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Welcome to Pinnacle Preschool

Pinnacle Preschool is a community based preschool in Orange NSW, focusing on providing high quality early education to children aged 3 to 5 years. Pinnacle Preschool aims to provide a high quality educational program that will instill a life-long love of learning for all children. Pinnacle Preschool is an inclusive preschool that celebrates diversity and provide individualised learning and support so that all children can not only attend preschool, but can learn and thrive in the preschool environment to the best of their ability.


Pinnacle Preschool highly values building collaborative and respectful relationships with families and recognises the key role that families play as their child’s first teachers. Pinnacle Preschool recognises the valuable role that children and families play in our community and see children as having rights, as being capable and individuals with their own thoughts, voices and experiences. Pinnacle Preschool acknowledges that we operate on Wiradjuri land and respect and celebrate the relationship the Wiradjuri people have had with our land historically and currently. Pinnacle Preschool warmly welcomes families from varying cultures and backgrounds to our preschool community.


Pinnacle Preschool is managed and operated in partnership with Orange and District Early Education Program (ODEEP). ODEEP has been a part of the Orange Community for more than 30 years.  ODEEP is an NDIS registered early childhood intervention service providing supports for children aged 0-12 years with disabilities and developmental delays in the Orange, Cabonne and Blayney shires. ODEEP’s specialised team of educators and allied health practitioners partner with families and communities to achieve the best outcomes for children with a disability or developmental delay through a range of individual or group education and therapy services.


Contact Us

Pinnacle Preschool
Yarrawong Place
PO Box 644 Orange NSW 2800

Phone: (02) 6361 4093 Fax: (02) 6369 1101
Facebook - Pinnacle Preschool | Facebook

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If you have any questions or would like to send us any feedback please email us here.

Child Reading in the Grass

Feedback & Complaints

We use feedback to improve our services and supports and to gather new ideas from families and other people. Please use the Email Feedback button  below to tell us what we are doing well, give suggestions and tell us what we could do better. 

If you would like to give us anonymous feedback please use the form below.


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